Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Do You Love About Boys?

No, it's not a title to an 80's pop hit. It's a serious question! What do you love about the boys in your life? It could be the grown men or the tiny babies, but we want to hear what makes your heart pitter-patter when  you see your guy(s). It's important to celebrate what we like about the men in our lives as well, because it can be these qualities that we strive to instill in our little ones.

I have twin two-year-old boys and they're just starting to talk. I love hearing their voices express their opinions, likes and dislikes, wants and needs. I love hearing them get excited about seeing a lizard on the window (we live in Texas), an ant on the ground or the truck on the road. I love their great big smiles and even their crocodile tears. I love how they hug their stuffed bunnies and how much they love their Grandpa. I love watching them play and I love to play with them. I'm just in love with them right now, even on days like today when they skipped their nap and performed Armageddon, The Musical, at dinner.

I must confess here that I think I was a little secretly disappointed when I learned I was having boys. I grew up being fed the 'girls rock' diet and just knew I would be the best girl mom ever. I would support and encourage her, empower and respect her; all the things she would need to succeed in this world. Then, when these guys were born, it all changed. I would now do every one of these things for my boys but honestly - have you ever tried googling, 'empower boys'? All you get is page after page of links for empowering underprivileged boys. What about all boys? Do they need to start with a deficit before we recognize their worth? Isn't it time we give them a place, right next to girls? I digress.

What do you love about boys? Do tell!


  1. I love how he gives all of his toys personalities--vehicles, animals, robots, even Bally the ball and his baby rock.

    I love his emotional expressiveness and intensity.

    I love how easily he laughs and that he loves making me laugh. He will go to such great lengths.

    I love how he takes a topic and focuses on it so completely until he knows everything he wants to know.

    I love how he gets a shy flirty smile when he meets someone new that he likes but feels afraid to talk to.

    I love that he needs upside down time every day.

    I love that he enjoys teaching me about the things he enjoys, in extensive detail.

  2. More on why I love my boy: http://mylittlehouseinthecity.blogspot.com/2011/07/watching-your-children-grow-up-is.html
